Friday, May 26, 2006


So now we got perverts filming women nude sunbathing in there own garden and complaining. First of all, WIERDO! If you are filming nude sunbathers ANYWHERE you are a weirdo pervert. Second, since when have nude women been a bad thing? Did I miss a meeting? Can I still vote? If you find his kind of behavior disturbing, put an anonymous note through the door asking them to stop as some mentally deranged people find it disturbing. That way normal people can rip it up and ignore you. Most people find being filmed in there garden from behind a curtain just as disturbing. The fact that this came to court in he first place is proof that our justice system is run by idiots. Idiots that use the system to generate revenue for the government it seams. Idiots that let murders, rapists, paedophiles and all manor of scum loose on our streets. In my opinion they are the ones that should be in prison. What for? Spending my tax money taking some woman who gets her bits out in her garden to court. Dimwits!


Anonymous said...

That just sums up people's mentality dog, what I find desturbin is that the brother was phisicly distressed by said incident. Ar you tellin me that we now live in a world where brothers are getting upset at a bit of nudity. I mean some motherfuckers should stay covered, but gettin all worked up like a motherfuckin faggot, well that's just gay!

Anonymous said...

I wear panties.