Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hard Drives Again

I left my USB HDD plugged into my PC on the off chance that It may decided to work for a bit. Joy of joys it started to work on the weekend long enough for me to get most of my stuff off it. Next time it boots up I may be able to get my editing off as well. If I can get the 80 gig to do the same I'll be as happy as a pig in the brown stuff. Wile sorting the PC out I realized that the save games for the two games I play the most are on the broke HDD as well. Would be the Sims. Its so much of a pain installing the Sims I don't think I'm going to bother. Maybe I will once I have built my new PC. I think If the Sims people put all the Sims stuff and upgrades onto a DVD as one install, I think a hole load of people would buy it again. There is so much stuff I ain't done, I just cant keep the thing going long enough to do it. I'll stick to Civ 2, at least the thing stays working and the save game fits on a floppy.

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