Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stop Making Up Crap

I read on the BBC web site a survey by an anti - piracy lobby group shows the percentage of illegal software in the UK has stayed at 27% for the last two years. I would like to know how they arrived at this figure. As far as I can see the only way they can know is by snooping around my PC without my consent and looking through my window or breaking into my house to check all the stuff on my PC's that are not on line. In my opinion this makes them perverts and criminals. They also claimed that this has cost the UK's technology sector almost £1bn. This of course is a made up number based on made up stats. They just made it up so this makes them liars as well. My company also makes up crap like this as well. This year we got crap pay rises and no yearly bonus as they lost money. This translates as, we predicted (would like) profits to be about (insert prediction here) but we never made that much so the difference between the two figures is a loss even throw it never existed. They actually made plenty of money, its just we ain't getting it. This together with the insane new management system that has piled more work on us for no extra money will prolly result in all the good staff leaving and getting proper jobs. This will leave all the dregs to provide a crap service loosing contracts thus loosing the company money that actually does exist. I'm really getting sick of people basing facts on lies and made up crap. How about waiting to see how much money you do get and then spending it like normal people. As far as the moaning software crooks are concerned, if I was using a pirate copy of abobe photoshop CS2 and was told to delete it and pay for its replacement I would not pay £600. I would use one that is free like Gimp. For every program that is for sale there will be something that will do the job just as well and it will be free. Even operating systems. I found a site on the web that had links to 41 free operating system sites. Firefox do an internet browser and an e mail thingy. I am just about to check out a free office suite called Openoffice which looks cool. It doesn't have an outlook clone but I use Mozilla and don't need it. So put all that together and you get a big SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND STOP BUGGING PEOPLE WITH YOUR MADE UP CRAP! WE DON'T BELEAVE YOU! How about providing us with a product that is finished and works. Maybe then people won't mind paying for it.

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