Sunday, May 14, 2006

Old Blog

I have transferred the blog from my old web page. It seemed such a waist doing all that work and just leaving it there sitting on my hard drive doing nothing. So I copied it all over, comments, Anna Friel and all. The link is in the Link list at the side (Welsh Blokes old rant). So if you want to revisit the dizzy heights of the beginning of this year, off you go.


Anonymous said...

Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna !!!!

Welsh Bloke said...

Anna Friel?

Anonymous said...

I just went back to the comments from the old site what the hell is wrong with us dude!

Welsh Bloke said...

Lack of bran if you ask me but enough about that. What about Anna Friel?

Anonymous said...

Exactly, what about me.