Monday, May 08, 2006


A confidential Ministry of Defence report on Unidentified Flying Objects has concluded that there is no proof of alien life forms. To me all this means is the Ministry of Defence are too stupid to find proof of alien life forms. Try Living in London buddy and I don’t mean being ferried round in a flash Jag from house to work I mean LIVE there. After a week of bovine London you will be convinced alien life forms do exist. I sit on trains with them, I work with them and they barge me out of the way on the way home. There is only one way to describe them, ALIEN! I often wonder how these people would get on in Newport. They would in fact get on as they do in any other part of the country. Badly. Sometimes seemingly respectable and innocent people get stabbed or murdered and people wonder why. I however don’t, as I know what a bunch of ignorant, arrogant, gits these besuited Nazis are. Respect is earned not commanded, FACT! Same goes for the baggy trouser brigade. Pull your trousers up you pervert and show some respect, and then maybe somebody may show you some. Of course it won’t be me because to me you will always be scum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes the government, that trusted organisation that has such a strong grasp on what is going on, that bastian of honesty has decided that aliens don't exsist! Yea right, the fact that prescot got laid is testiment that anything can happen. Of course aliens exsist, explain newport!