Monday, May 08, 2006

IPod Battery

I have now bought a new battery for my Ipod. I got a high capacity job from Maplins which cost £19.99. I was a little worried about fitting it as they talk about cracking open the case and not taking any responsibility for broken Ipods. I had full instructions and two little green plastic screw drivers which broke as soon as I started using them. One of them lasted long enough for me to see how the two bits are stuck together and for me to get my little screw driver in and just pop it open. Lift the hard drive up, one out, one in, stick it back together and you’re done. The metal bit is a tiny, tiny bit bent. This will however allow me to get the screw driver in just that little bit easer next year when the battery turns to crap.


Anonymous said...

Cool posting man, these guys earn enough! I am going to steel the information that you have given me and tell the world.

Welsh Bloke said...

Is that how you did your operating system?