Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I'm Back

I'm kind of back on line now no thanks to BT and NTL. It's only 56k and 1p a min but better than nothing. I can't believe I used to put up with a connection that slow but I did and I am now. Still It will make me apreacheate the 2meg broadband I will be getting on the 11 th of this month. I almost forgot the 35 channels of junk I get as well for the same price as NTL.


Anonymous said...

You still have friends, we wont judge you on the performence of your hard drive...............!

Welsh Bloke said...

Judge me on my sexual performance if you like. I can keep it up all night.

Anonymous said...

Nah, your crap in the sack but your snoring keeps ME up all night! besides after rubbing your nose in it my own computer went menapausal on me! Us engineers are a supersticious lot, I realised the moment that I posted the comment the brown stuff would hit the fan, and it did, sorry man I guess the old saying if it's got tits or a hard drive it will sooner or latter keep you up all night swearing at a blank screen.. thats a point if these damn things are that clever why don't they respond to bad language?

Welsh Bloke said...

My snoring keeps you awake! thats odd cos fuck all else does.