Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hard Drives

I've been neglecting my blog of late. This is due to one of my hard drives giving up. I lost nothing that important but what I did lose was the time I spent collecting the stuff. Like 3gig of photoshop tutorials. Just to top it off the hard drive on my USB caddy gave up as well. Once again it's all stuff I can do again but, I GOT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN ! Eight weeks I spent renaming, editing, downloading and writhing stuff on that hard drive. So, the last week had been spent sorting the mess out and I aint done yet. Somebody needs to take his own advise and do regular backups.


Anonymous said...

You need to do regular back ups son, that way when it all goes pete tong you aint standing there with egg on your face, you slag.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I agree, regular back ups will take the sting out of loosing everything you have collected.

Anonymous said...

As long as you havnt lost any pictures of me.

Welsh Bloke said...

I just hope I still got that picture of Charlotte Church with her baps out.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't! I am very pasionate about how bread roles should be presented. There not just lumps of doe that have been tossed into the oven and then flung on a plate. They should be buttered and presented with a little bit of tlc, or is that glc, I dunno.

Welsh Bloke said...

This is of course very true charlotte. By the way can you send me a copy of your mothers Baba Brith recipe, I lost mine.