Friday, May 12, 2006

BT Monkey

At long last I am back on line at home. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank a few people. First I would like to thank NTL and there web site for lying about where they can provide Broadband. I moved to one of the areas that they falsely claimed to cover which resulted in me being off line for nearly two months. Two good things that arose from this are that when I told them to stuff there broadband they could not put me through to the slimy git who tries to stop you leaving. Second is that I got a much better deal from Homechoice. I would also like to thank BT for charging me more or less £100 to have a line put in, something that NTL admittedly did for free. Also for making me wait two weeks and then not turning up. Not only did they not turn up but when I phoned up they lied and told me an engineer had knocked the door and got no answer. And then lies on top of lies, they told me they phoned my mobile and put a card through the door. This of course was all RUBBISH. For more info check out the British Telecommunications entry from the 19th April. After being made to wait another two weeks a bloke turned up and put a box on the wall and fed the wire to the outside and told me I had to wait 2 or 3 more days as somebody else would have to connect it to the outside. They had a month to do that. Why didn't they do it then? Cos there crap. So as soon as I've served my time with BT I will be dumping them like yesterdays breakfast. I think I should have an award system like my mate from Rant and Rave.


Anonymous said...

you name it and I'll email the graphics! The world needs more realistic awrd ceremony. Its also goo to see us listed in the google search engine, I would like to mention at this point that no animals were hurt to bring you these sights and no one has pressed charges, yet.

Welsh Bloke said...

Cool, I was thinking of a You suck award but that sounds a bit yank so maybe your crap. One should do cos if your crap your crap.

Anonymous said...

Cool, Sarchy and sarchy are crap compaired to us! Who needs your multi million pound contracts, this is where it is mon so jus suck et up wit a lickle piece of bread, bleeeeeeeng!