Wednesday, May 31, 2006


How the hell do you people think you can get away with this s**t. We ain't all stupid. It only takes one. All of us have fists. most of us will use them. All of us if pushed. Read your history books. You know who you are. Your days are numbered. Use them. I would, then again I ain't as stupid as you.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hard Drives Again

I left my USB HDD plugged into my PC on the off chance that It may decided to work for a bit. Joy of joys it started to work on the weekend long enough for me to get most of my stuff off it. Next time it boots up I may be able to get my editing off as well. If I can get the 80 gig to do the same I'll be as happy as a pig in the brown stuff. Wile sorting the PC out I realized that the save games for the two games I play the most are on the broke HDD as well. Would be the Sims. Its so much of a pain installing the Sims I don't think I'm going to bother. Maybe I will once I have built my new PC. I think If the Sims people put all the Sims stuff and upgrades onto a DVD as one install, I think a hole load of people would buy it again. There is so much stuff I ain't done, I just cant keep the thing going long enough to do it. I'll stick to Civ 2, at least the thing stays working and the save game fits on a floppy.

Friday, May 26, 2006


So now we got perverts filming women nude sunbathing in there own garden and complaining. First of all, WIERDO! If you are filming nude sunbathers ANYWHERE you are a weirdo pervert. Second, since when have nude women been a bad thing? Did I miss a meeting? Can I still vote? If you find his kind of behavior disturbing, put an anonymous note through the door asking them to stop as some mentally deranged people find it disturbing. That way normal people can rip it up and ignore you. Most people find being filmed in there garden from behind a curtain just as disturbing. The fact that this came to court in he first place is proof that our justice system is run by idiots. Idiots that use the system to generate revenue for the government it seams. Idiots that let murders, rapists, paedophiles and all manor of scum loose on our streets. In my opinion they are the ones that should be in prison. What for? Spending my tax money taking some woman who gets her bits out in her garden to court. Dimwits!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stop Making Up Crap

I read on the BBC web site a survey by an anti - piracy lobby group shows the percentage of illegal software in the UK has stayed at 27% for the last two years. I would like to know how they arrived at this figure. As far as I can see the only way they can know is by snooping around my PC without my consent and looking through my window or breaking into my house to check all the stuff on my PC's that are not on line. In my opinion this makes them perverts and criminals. They also claimed that this has cost the UK's technology sector almost £1bn. This of course is a made up number based on made up stats. They just made it up so this makes them liars as well. My company also makes up crap like this as well. This year we got crap pay rises and no yearly bonus as they lost money. This translates as, we predicted (would like) profits to be about (insert prediction here) but we never made that much so the difference between the two figures is a loss even throw it never existed. They actually made plenty of money, its just we ain't getting it. This together with the insane new management system that has piled more work on us for no extra money will prolly result in all the good staff leaving and getting proper jobs. This will leave all the dregs to provide a crap service loosing contracts thus loosing the company money that actually does exist. I'm really getting sick of people basing facts on lies and made up crap. How about waiting to see how much money you do get and then spending it like normal people. As far as the moaning software crooks are concerned, if I was using a pirate copy of abobe photoshop CS2 and was told to delete it and pay for its replacement I would not pay £600. I would use one that is free like Gimp. For every program that is for sale there will be something that will do the job just as well and it will be free. Even operating systems. I found a site on the web that had links to 41 free operating system sites. Firefox do an internet browser and an e mail thingy. I am just about to check out a free office suite called Openoffice which looks cool. It doesn't have an outlook clone but I use Mozilla and don't need it. So put all that together and you get a big SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND STOP BUGGING PEOPLE WITH YOUR MADE UP CRAP! WE DON'T BELEAVE YOU! How about providing us with a product that is finished and works. Maybe then people won't mind paying for it.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hard Drives

I've been neglecting my blog of late. This is due to one of my hard drives giving up. I lost nothing that important but what I did lose was the time I spent collecting the stuff. Like 3gig of photoshop tutorials. Just to top it off the hard drive on my USB caddy gave up as well. Once again it's all stuff I can do again but, I GOT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN ! Eight weeks I spent renaming, editing, downloading and writhing stuff on that hard drive. So, the last week had been spent sorting the mess out and I aint done yet. Somebody needs to take his own advise and do regular backups.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Nikon V's Canon

I have decided to buy a digital SLR on HP, to improve my credit rating you understand. I just don’t know what to do. I’m stuck, Canon 350D or Nikon 50D. There’s just so much to think about. The Canon is 8 mega pixels and the Nikon is 6 mega pixels but there ain’t much difference in picture quality. Well that’s what the bloke on the telly reckons. The Nikon is about £100 cheaper. But I have found a shop that will do me a Richer sounds type deal so I could get £50 to £100 off the Canon. I have not forgotten about the cards either. It’s going to be about £80 for a gig. I could get it cheaper but it would be slower and with 8 mb RAW shots I’m going to need the speed. So sod it, its on HP I’ll go for the fast one. Both cameras are everything I want. It’s a real bitch. I had to laugh in the shop today. I was at the counter playing with the two cameras and a bloke stepped up to the counter on my right. He asked about the same two cameras. So the two of us stood there with a camera each asking a multitude of questions. As we were doing this another bloke stepped up and started asking questions about the cameras. This was great as there were only two cameras and only one bloke that seamed to know about the cameras. It’s a pity they don’t do trial periods as both have good and bad points and I just can’t make up my mind. Any help would be appreciated.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Old Blog

I have transferred the blog from my old web page. It seemed such a waist doing all that work and just leaving it there sitting on my hard drive doing nothing. So I copied it all over, comments, Anna Friel and all. The link is in the Link list at the side (Welsh Blokes old rant). So if you want to revisit the dizzy heights of the beginning of this year, off you go.

Friday, May 12, 2006

BT Monkey

At long last I am back on line at home. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank a few people. First I would like to thank NTL and there web site for lying about where they can provide Broadband. I moved to one of the areas that they falsely claimed to cover which resulted in me being off line for nearly two months. Two good things that arose from this are that when I told them to stuff there broadband they could not put me through to the slimy git who tries to stop you leaving. Second is that I got a much better deal from Homechoice. I would also like to thank BT for charging me more or less £100 to have a line put in, something that NTL admittedly did for free. Also for making me wait two weeks and then not turning up. Not only did they not turn up but when I phoned up they lied and told me an engineer had knocked the door and got no answer. And then lies on top of lies, they told me they phoned my mobile and put a card through the door. This of course was all RUBBISH. For more info check out the British Telecommunications entry from the 19th April. After being made to wait another two weeks a bloke turned up and put a box on the wall and fed the wire to the outside and told me I had to wait 2 or 3 more days as somebody else would have to connect it to the outside. They had a month to do that. Why didn't they do it then? Cos there crap. So as soon as I've served my time with BT I will be dumping them like yesterdays breakfast. I think I should have an award system like my mate from Rant and Rave.

Monday, May 08, 2006

IPod Battery

I have now bought a new battery for my Ipod. I got a high capacity job from Maplins which cost £19.99. I was a little worried about fitting it as they talk about cracking open the case and not taking any responsibility for broken Ipods. I had full instructions and two little green plastic screw drivers which broke as soon as I started using them. One of them lasted long enough for me to see how the two bits are stuck together and for me to get my little screw driver in and just pop it open. Lift the hard drive up, one out, one in, stick it back together and you’re done. The metal bit is a tiny, tiny bit bent. This will however allow me to get the screw driver in just that little bit easer next year when the battery turns to crap.


A confidential Ministry of Defence report on Unidentified Flying Objects has concluded that there is no proof of alien life forms. To me all this means is the Ministry of Defence are too stupid to find proof of alien life forms. Try Living in London buddy and I don’t mean being ferried round in a flash Jag from house to work I mean LIVE there. After a week of bovine London you will be convinced alien life forms do exist. I sit on trains with them, I work with them and they barge me out of the way on the way home. There is only one way to describe them, ALIEN! I often wonder how these people would get on in Newport. They would in fact get on as they do in any other part of the country. Badly. Sometimes seemingly respectable and innocent people get stabbed or murdered and people wonder why. I however don’t, as I know what a bunch of ignorant, arrogant, gits these besuited Nazis are. Respect is earned not commanded, FACT! Same goes for the baggy trouser brigade. Pull your trousers up you pervert and show some respect, and then maybe somebody may show you some. Of course it won’t be me because to me you will always be scum.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I'm Back

I'm kind of back on line now no thanks to BT and NTL. It's only 56k and 1p a min but better than nothing. I can't believe I used to put up with a connection that slow but I did and I am now. Still It will make me apreacheate the 2meg broadband I will be getting on the 11 th of this month. I almost forgot the 35 channels of junk I get as well for the same price as NTL.

The Charlatans

I just love it when the government proves itself to be the bunch of useless self-serving charlatans they really are. I just ain’t going to talk about two faces Prescott cos that fat gimp makes me want to puke. And Charles Clark should be made to clear up the mess he made and then be sacked like the idiot he is. And who is the bint who messed up the N.H.S? Anybody?