Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Real Pirates

Once again we find copyright laws in the news or more to point, Digital Rights Management (DRM) For all you people not in the know this is a virus that is put on yank CD's to stop them coping them and most of the time stop them using them, full stop. The music industry is getting a bit too greedy, like we are heading towards renting music from them. Let me just clear things up a little. If we are not allowed to copy our CD's, records and tapes to our MP3 players, we are not going to buy them. And just cos little Johnny downloads 200 LP's does not mean he would have bought that many if he was not downloading them. So stop calling it a loss. A CD costs about 30p to make, the rest goes to cocaine addled greedy fat people. So, what we gunna get now? Some bloke coming up to you and saying "excuse me sir. Music Police. Are these your MP3's? Can I see your license and registration? If you would just like to blow into this saxophone sir" Nanny State, more like a stupid petty minded money grabbing state if you ask me. I really can't believe that sony think that all the CD-R and DVD-R they sell are for a legal purpose. If all illegal activity involving CD-R and DVD-R stopped the optical media market would crash. I think Mr sony will find you can only take so much money. I believe Mr Vodafone has just found this out the hard way. Swings and roundabouts. What goes up must come down. If company's are losing profit it's because there prices are too high and people are going elsewhere, like me. I, for quite some time now have refused to buy new records or CD's and have been purchasing my stuff from second hand shops. In the last 5 years I have bought about 100 LP's, 2 were new. You can work that out as a loss as they actually exist.


Anonymous said...

I dunno, if I spent the time and money launching a product only to find someone knocking out crap coppies for there mates I'd be pissed, I'm sad enough to remember buying half a dozen basf 90's cassetes playing an album once to record it and the tape would get used, cos I didnt have a record player. There wasn't the cottage industry in dodgy pirates then, copying stuff was something we just did.

Anonymous said...

Yo ho ho an a bottle o rum

Anonymous said...

It,s all about the money dude. Its a lot easier to tie everything up in red tape contracts and lawyer up. I aint gonna name drop here but talking to a propper giging muso who actualy supports the growth of pirate music yet is signed to Sony, now I can't even copy there fuckin CD cos Sony data protect everything! Huh! Now if you go to the states the laws are very different. This is Britain dude.

Anonymous said...

My real gripe is that no ones doing anymore,there copying. After everyone has copied everything and the market place is filled with cheep shite immitations will we perhaps get off our arses and actualy make something and say, gee this is mine, I made it. Then someone will reproduce it over and over again, copying has overtaken creating. Sad, perhaps that is why there are so many parasites snorting deturgent and plooking each other for a quick buck. The oanly person I realy regard as the looser here is the guy that pluged into his amp and said Im having some of this.

Welsh Bloke said...

If I thought the artist got a fare wack my attitude would be much different.