Friday, June 09, 2006

Last word

I have just read on the BBC web site that the powers that be will turn a blind eye to people coping the CD’s for there own personal use. Good job really as that is what we were going to do anyway. I have spent about 2 days reading a forum on this subject and the general consensus seams to be that the record companies are a bunch of fat, greedy, drug addled, out of touch, poncing, crooks. This also includes posts from small record companies who also suffer from there greed. They rip us off and they rip off the artist as well. The price of CD’s and DVD’s continues to rise despite falling production costs. If they are loosing money it’s because of the puerile crap they pass off as music. IT SUCKS! I got to say they got balls. I mean, attacking and insulting there own customers like that. What with them being almost obsolete. There is not a lot of need for them now that the internet is so popular. The last band I was in, we did two days in a studio and we came out £400 lighter with a CD. Print out some stickers and covers in work and boom. Take away the prise of the CD and the rest is yours. I have to mention one post. It was from some guy that recons downloading music is as bad as to going into a shop and stealing a CD. This is of course rubbish, its more like going in to a shop with a tape deck and a coffee, buying a tape, picking out a CD, recording it on to your tape (wile drinking your coffee) putting the CD back and going home. The ONLY thing these companies are trying to do is maximise profits for them selves. There is nothing else involved. If you think there is you’re a sucker.

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