Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Saw some bloke on the news last night sitting in a garden in Surbiton banging on about how big the gardens are and how we can cut the garden in half and put another house on it. First, Shut up you moron. You have not got the first idea what you are talking about. If you had been through Surbiton station during rush hour, It would be patently obvious that the last thing it needed was more people. London and the suburbs are full. Fact! Stop your internal dialog, your wrong. Without the proper infrastructure, your just jerking off. These people paid for there house AND garden so mind your own business. Look, you got the congestion charge, you've freed up the roads so you can drive your big flash cars to whatever job you choose to go to that day. Now leave real people the hell alone. O and stop creating stupid problems to distract us from what your messing up. It don't work. Be careful of the toes you stand on on the way up as they are connected to the backsides you have to kiss on the way back down.

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