Monday, March 20, 2006

How Small Do We Need Stuff ?

My mate sent me this photo. How bloody small do we need things. Nobody can afford a house so we are filling our lives with ever shrinking crap with ever increasing prices. Apple rent you an Ipod battery for a year hopping you will throw it away and buy another Ipod. If you want to know how to change an I pod battery just let me know. Buy a battery on line for £25 and it will come with some little tools and a CD telling you how to change it. If they could get away with it, company's would install a device that exploded the second the guarantee runs out rendering the item useless. We need to get a grip on these planks, coz in years to come we are going to be paying top dollar for a tiny bit of plastic crap we can hardly see that is going to explode in a week.


Anonymous said...

Oh we need this stuff man, I want to be able to mimic the comforts of my house so I can go outside and still feell like I am at home. I need my crappod and the tiney speakers, I need my phone, my camera my computor, when are they going to do a comfy chair and a rug and maybee a fire with a dog sleeping on it.........

Anonymous said...

I've got a microwave fire in my living room. I can sit in front of the fire all everning in 5 minuits.

Anonymous said...

Have you been talking to the missis!