Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Harry Potter And The Crack Whore

I found the sign but not the steam train to get me out of the crack whore infested dump that is Kings cross. Why Kings cross? Everytime I've been there (never by choice) It's full of Prostitutes, smack heads, crack heads and tramps. It’s not really fair to talk about them like that. The station staff do after all try there best.


Anonymous said...

I found your comments on kings cross a little offencive, conservative mp's have to hang out somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Why didnt you steel the sign, gotta be worth a few quid on ebay!

Welsh Bloke said...

I could only just reach it sitting on my mates shoulders, just got the screwdriver to the screw and an announcement came over the tannoy “Could the two idiots trying to nick the platform 9 3/4 sign please stop it. By the way we have called the police” You gotta try though.