Friday, March 17, 2006

Fun Things To Do In London

If you like me get the hump with people opening the pockets of your rucksack to nick things as you walk down the street. Why not try what I do. If you have pockets that open down the side, take about two handfuls (depending on the size of your pocket) of plastic or metal ball bearings ( metal bounce better) and stick them in the pocket and zip it up. All you have to do then is wait. The only down side is that you don't get to see the look on there face when the ball bearings pour out and bounce all over the place.


Anonymous said...

Or if they open from the top, line them with plastic and fill them with cow poo

Anonymous said...

You could also rig up some kind of device based on a blender. The majortiy of the rucksack could house the battery,now the pocket could have a divice that sences motion and turns the blender on shreding his hand, cooll.

Anonymous said...

I hate smelly gits, why do smelly gits insist on messing up public transport with there body oder!

Welsh Bloke said...

Molly, if we use a small hand blender the batteries won’t be that big, making more room for chargers and games for the PSP. How about a stun gun? only takes a nine volt battery.

Anonymous said...

Does Barry Mannilow know you raid his wardrobe?

Anonymous said...

Ive got a meet next saterday and I'm not going to miss it on the account of you boneheads!