Thursday, November 20, 2008

London Trains

Trains are something I find myself moaning about quite a lot. More so now I have to use the tube as well. The trains are getting worse and more overcrowded. I can't believe that more people are using them due to the large amount of people that are being given the boot. Maybe more of the people who start work at 5, 6 or 7 are now doing 9 to 5. Whatever the reason is I don't care, I want them off my train so I can sit down and read my book. I would also like a bit of quiet to read my book as well. So all you people who think that it's acceptable to use the train as your personal office and start a phone conversation asking Emma to reschedule your 11am and if David could cover for Sarah who has phoned in sick today, I got news for you. Everybody in the carriage hates you and Sarah phoned in sick because she can't stand working for you as your too stupid and lazy to get into work on time and conduct your business from your office where you should be. I just don't get it. These idiots can pull out there blackberry's and spout tedious drivel for 20 minutes and that's fine but if I want to drill The Misfits into my brain to wake myself up a bit I'm Satan destroyer of train journeys. I was reading some trash free paper a wile ago and some idiots were moaning about certain ladies on trains putting makeup on. WHY! At least they ain't making any noise wile they do it. If they keep quiet they can make each other up as clowns and animals and stick before and after photos on the windows for all I care. Since I started writing this I have yet again been treated to a shining example of how low some people get in London. I was standing on a train as usual going to work and shock horror after two stops I am in the most privileged position to be standing next to a recently vacated seat. In a fraction of the flap of a flies wings I planted my gluteus maximus into the still warm seat. I was not sitting down for ten seconds when I became aware of the gimp across the aisle from me saying "try asking that guy". I was well aware that I was that guy so I turned to look who was going to ask me what. It was a short woman, so without thinking or waiting to hear what she was going to ask me I gave her my seat. It was only after I had stood up that I noticed she was very pregnant. It took about 10 minutes for what happened to sink in. A heavily pregnant woman made it known that she needed a seat, which I was not aware of I hasten to add at this point and this low life scum across the aisle from me told her to ask somebody else. If you have ever done anything like this guy then you are worse than the lowest scum on earth and deserve an acute and recurring dose of external haemorrhoid's. Trains in London are bad enough without the people on them making it worse. Do everybody a favour and chill out.

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