Thursday, June 22, 2006


Penzance, Penzance, Penzance, Penzance, Penzance, Penzance, Penzance, Did I forget PENZANCE!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Saw some bloke on the news last night sitting in a garden in Surbiton banging on about how big the gardens are and how we can cut the garden in half and put another house on it. First, Shut up you moron. You have not got the first idea what you are talking about. If you had been through Surbiton station during rush hour, It would be patently obvious that the last thing it needed was more people. London and the suburbs are full. Fact! Stop your internal dialog, your wrong. Without the proper infrastructure, your just jerking off. These people paid for there house AND garden so mind your own business. Look, you got the congestion charge, you've freed up the roads so you can drive your big flash cars to whatever job you choose to go to that day. Now leave real people the hell alone. O and stop creating stupid problems to distract us from what your messing up. It don't work. Be careful of the toes you stand on on the way up as they are connected to the backsides you have to kiss on the way back down.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Why !

If only you could see in side my mind. You wouldn't know weather to run, walk, cry or spit. Don't worry though the world cup is on init, then the tennis, then golf and cricket THEN a new series of celebrity whore, hosted by Julian Clarey. HOO HAA! Sainsbury's tomato relish is well nice by the way. Nice on some chips like init.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


The day before yesterday I went out after work to buy some shorts and sun block for my holidays. It rained. This morning on the way to work I bought an umbrella, now it’s cleared up. Sorry about that. I’m going to buy a raincoat on Friday so it’s going to be great this weekend.


I went to make my lunch for work last night and somebody had stolen my bread and replaced it with a blue fluffy ball. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?


So 50 pence thinks he’s a hero cos he got shot nine times. Anybody who is stupid enough to stay anywhere long enough to get shot nine times deserves every bullet. Maybe we’ll be lucky and number ten will hit him right in the middle of the forehead. Missing his brain by two foot no doubt. I checked out some of the lyrics on this gangster crap and I’ve not read a bigger pile of infantile, sub GCSE rubbish in my life. Do us all a favour, quit music stay a gangster and get killed. It’s the only decent thing you will ever do.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Last Last Word

I forgot to say, If I used I tunes and I tunes only to fill my 20 gig IPod. It would cost me at 72p per track, £2880 aprox. Good work if you can get it.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Last word

I have just read on the BBC web site that the powers that be will turn a blind eye to people coping the CD’s for there own personal use. Good job really as that is what we were going to do anyway. I have spent about 2 days reading a forum on this subject and the general consensus seams to be that the record companies are a bunch of fat, greedy, drug addled, out of touch, poncing, crooks. This also includes posts from small record companies who also suffer from there greed. They rip us off and they rip off the artist as well. The price of CD’s and DVD’s continues to rise despite falling production costs. If they are loosing money it’s because of the puerile crap they pass off as music. IT SUCKS! I got to say they got balls. I mean, attacking and insulting there own customers like that. What with them being almost obsolete. There is not a lot of need for them now that the internet is so popular. The last band I was in, we did two days in a studio and we came out £400 lighter with a CD. Print out some stickers and covers in work and boom. Take away the prise of the CD and the rest is yours. I have to mention one post. It was from some guy that recons downloading music is as bad as to going into a shop and stealing a CD. This is of course rubbish, its more like going in to a shop with a tape deck and a coffee, buying a tape, picking out a CD, recording it on to your tape (wile drinking your coffee) putting the CD back and going home. The ONLY thing these companies are trying to do is maximise profits for them selves. There is nothing else involved. If you think there is you’re a sucker.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Real Pirates

Once again we find copyright laws in the news or more to point, Digital Rights Management (DRM) For all you people not in the know this is a virus that is put on yank CD's to stop them coping them and most of the time stop them using them, full stop. The music industry is getting a bit too greedy, like we are heading towards renting music from them. Let me just clear things up a little. If we are not allowed to copy our CD's, records and tapes to our MP3 players, we are not going to buy them. And just cos little Johnny downloads 200 LP's does not mean he would have bought that many if he was not downloading them. So stop calling it a loss. A CD costs about 30p to make, the rest goes to cocaine addled greedy fat people. So, what we gunna get now? Some bloke coming up to you and saying "excuse me sir. Music Police. Are these your MP3's? Can I see your license and registration? If you would just like to blow into this saxophone sir" Nanny State, more like a stupid petty minded money grabbing state if you ask me. I really can't believe that sony think that all the CD-R and DVD-R they sell are for a legal purpose. If all illegal activity involving CD-R and DVD-R stopped the optical media market would crash. I think Mr sony will find you can only take so much money. I believe Mr Vodafone has just found this out the hard way. Swings and roundabouts. What goes up must come down. If company's are losing profit it's because there prices are too high and people are going elsewhere, like me. I, for quite some time now have refused to buy new records or CD's and have been purchasing my stuff from second hand shops. In the last 5 years I have bought about 100 LP's, 2 were new. You can work that out as a loss as they actually exist.