Thursday, April 06, 2006

What Man?

Since Crimbo I have been a bit skint and also a bit bored. So to combat the two, me and a friend have decided to get a bit of extra work. We talked about it long and hard and came to the conclusion that being a superhero was the way to go. I’m going to be the one doing all the high tech computer and science stuff and my friend is going to leap buildings in a single bound and be faster than a speeding train n stuff. Now, we have started small but you gotta start somewhere init? We have decided to have our secret hideout at my place so you are all welcome to the secret hideout warming party. My mate has bought some red Y fronts to ware outside his jeans and I got a Pin stripe suit and a bow tie. Transport we ain’t got yet so we’re just going to use our travel cards for now. The only thing my mate was not to sure about was the orange tan superhero’s seam to have so I let him off that. So all we need now is a superhero name for my mate. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

New Labour.

Anonymous said...

Hielp Hielp there is an outbreak of ugly fences in luton perleeese hielp!

Welsh Bloke said...

Miss Parton You will be safe with me, Just sit here on this space hopper.

Anonymous said...

It all depends what kind of super hero you want to be. We need musical super heroes to save us from the durge on radion one, we need fashion super heroes to save us from top shop and we need political super heroes to save us from polaticians! Or is this an all round package?

Welsh Bloke said...

Well Bruce, I don’t wanna limit the work so all round sounds good to me. I like the idea of saving people from lying cheating politicians. It’s just so easy to catch them at it but I may not have the time for all of them. Spose I could always take on help if things get a bit mad. Is there a temp agency for super hero side kicks?

Anonymous said...

New Labour

Welsh Bloke said...

New Labour? Hard Labour more like

Anonymous said...

Save me from myself!