Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I was watching TV last night and Red Ken was banging on about some new tube extension to Woolwich where the shooting events for the 2012 Olympics are to be held. Londoners need cheap and affordable travel he said. CHEAP! AFFORDABLE! YOU JUST PUT MY TUBE FARE UP BY £1 WHATS CHEAP AND AFFORDABLE ABOUT THAT! HOW ABOUT STUFF THE OLYMPICS AND STOP TRASH BURGLING MY HOUSE AND FORCING YOUNG GIRLS INTO PROSTITUTION! Of course am not implying that trashy people broke into my house and turned it into a brothel. Though thinking about it, it would only improve the place. All I'm Saying is get your priorities right. We got people going to Hungary for the dentist and we're letting pedophiles and thieves rome free. All THEY can bang on about is the sodding Olympics. Can I just say for the records, I HATE the damn Olympics. I can think of nothing more dull. I went to Barcelona and saw where the Olympics were held. It was empty and looked dead. The only thing that was missing was the tumble weed rolling past the gate. Mind you if it gets east London cleaned up it can only be a good thing. Last time I was there it was a filthy dump. G, Get your cloth out T, T, Tony.


Anonymous said...

Shooting events.........sounds interesting!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Red Ken has both number and word blindness! Perhaps he ment to take the fairs down by £1, besides what are you moaning about you get to sit in a metal tube full of stinky people who have no sence of smell terrorists and trigger happy gun cops! You wanted interesting welcome to the English public transport system!

Welsh Bloke said...

Wave good buy to new Labour and say hello to hard Labour.