Thursday, April 06, 2006

Out Of Order

Everybody knows how serious I am and how even more serious I am in work. Wile I was being serious in work the other day, I found this sign and felt it did not quite explain the seriousness of the situation. Of course I changed it as you can see above.
After a wile I decided I was a little angry at being cheated out of a tap. So I stormed back to the bog and changed the sign to reflect what I felt. As above.


Anonymous said...

Nice one, I can not resist a good sign to deface and I have just fulfilled a childhood ambition and added an "I" to a "to let" Sign! I cant post you a picture cos your site wont let me!

Anonymous said...

Oh as well as defacing signs I have stole a job lot of "Dangerous chemicles" stickers from health and safety and attatched them to variouse hazerdous objects such as post boxes, junction boxes and a recycle bin!

Welsh Bloke said...

I have been waiting years to put an I in a To Let sign you lucky sod.

Anonymous said...

Oh it's devine man. There are huge fines if your caught. But the thing is I ont think the public give a fuck any more, life sucks and we will all die, dude you owe it to yourself to go out, next time a mate comes down for instence, and hit the for sale signs, this is,nt terrorism we are talking about. It needs to be done cose it needs to be seen!

Welsh Bloke said...

I been looking at places to live and most of them are eather the size of a toilet or smell like one, so I see no problem.