Thursday, April 06, 2006


I keep seeing these things round London. Anybody got any ideas what they are?


Anonymous said...

Blocks of stone?

Anonymous said...


Welsh Bloke said...

Ha, Ha, Very funny I ment the Square yellow thing

Anonymous said...

Homing beakons so that carol vordemon can find her way back to the spacecraft

Anonymous said...

It could be something that someone put there so that someone would ask why they did it. Trust me there are people like that in the world, people trying to get your attention, disrupt the ebb and the flow of the mundaine bollocks that we are mainlining on, wake up.

Welsh Bloke said...

I thought that but the suckers are everywhere. I thought it could be something to do with WIFI but I aint got nothing to check this out with. Your bird has a fit arse by the way.

Anonymous said...

I Know.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked out nadine from girls aloud! Rude mouth! Anyway we digress, if you are searching you must start by looking up, down around inside and out, only then can you say you have looked, have you looked! HAVE YOU LOOOOKED!