Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The London Snickers.

I woke up Saturday morning at a friends house to be greeted by a warm and sunny day. I went about my usual routine starting off with a cup of real coffee. This was an odd blend as when he moved he put Italian and Kenyon in the same jar to save room. I like my coffee like my woman. Hot, sweet and lots of cream, outside of that who cares. After indulging in the three S's I set off for breakfast. The cafe is a short walk away so not too much stress. As I was walking down the road I noticed police road cones along the road and men in yellow coats ripping up weeds and generally cleaning up. Not the kind of activity you except to see 11:00am Saturday morning. In fact it's not the kind of activity I expect to see anytime. I thought I paid tax to send fat lying politicians on holiday not clean the streets. I figured there was something going on that was nothing to do with me so I ignored it and went about my day.
Sunday morning I woke up to the sound of drums that were nowhere near distant enough. I indulged in the first S and decided to find out who these b******s were. I did not have to go far to find out. I opened the front door to find several people clapping, a full scale marathon passing the house and a drum band at the end of the road. I made a cup of coffee and stood in the road to watch the whole thing pass. People by me seamed to be picking names off the runners shirts and shouting "come on Dave your doing well" Dave being the first name that come in to my head to represent whatever name they chose. It would be a bit stupid if they just shouted come on Dave all the time. Mind you the Dave appreciation society may have turned up to support everybody called Dave. You never know. A group of people across the road from me were doing the same but shouting "Come one Dave only twenty miles to go" gave me a laugh anyway. Most people were dressed normally or as normal as you can get for a runner anyway. As you will expect some people were dressed up in costumes. One brave man was dressed as Chewbacca. Five people were linked together by a snake costume and there was also Mister Men, two sponge bob square pants, Elvis, Rhino's and many other freaks dressed in many other ways. One guy had a cast on his leg and was hobbling along on crutches. Another guy with a mirror on the front of his hat was running backwards. I also noticed rather a lot of Batman and robin's. Weather this had anything to do with only fools and horses I don't know. At one point a little bloke with a bucket of money ran passed me with a look on his face that didn't take much to read and mate I totally agree. Running 26 miles with a bucket full of money is a damn stupid thing to do. And to the guy who crossed the finish line and blew a massive wad of snot out of his nose on to the floor. Use a tissue or at least snort it and gob it out. Putting your finger on one nostril and blowing snot out of the other is not acceptable anywhere except your house and the house of the scum that taught you to do it. I was told a guy was running in a suit of armour and it would take about a week. The suit of armour guy came past the house Monday about midday. I've decided I'm going to do the marathon next year, I'm going to do it in the back of a taxi.


Anonymous said...

Stop winging and worship me for the goddess that I is big boy!

Anonymous said...

The thing that gets me is what are they running from!

Anonymous said...

I love watching sporty type fuckheads spit and gob snot everywhere, that is so appealing to me, as a human being you just have to admire some middleaged twonk in dayglo lycra puke out his body weight in mucus! That bird who took a leak in the middle of a race! Class.

Anonymous said...

Do these fit fuckers ever realy look happy to you! Next time you see these people jog past stick your foot out, let them know how how much you apreciate the waft of stale sweat as they rush by, let them know how much you apreciate them turning the pavement into a race track/ spitoon.

Welsh Bloke said...

The guy in the suit of armour has finished. It took him nine days to finish. Mind you having a seven foot high dragon to pull slowed him down a bit. He could have done it in seven and a half with out it.

Welsh Bloke said...

And he raised one point eight million bucks.

Anonymous said...

We gotta do this next year man, how about it! Cheech and chong springs to mind! The seven foot high dragon could pull us!

Welsh Bloke said...

Dude, I couldn’t walk 26 miles. Run, Hahahahahahahah! I’ll do it if you push me in a wheelchair pulling a portaloo.

Anonymous said...

No probs dude, I'm gonna be floating on a hover board anyway.