Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I Hate Cars

One thing that is really starting to get on my trunk is cars that stop on crossings. Can I just point out that you ain’t getting home any quicker by parking your stinking hunk of junk in my face. All you will get is my foot through your window and shouted at. KEEP OFF THE WALKING BITS! If you are unable to remember this you are to stupid to own a car. Also If I’m in a bad mood I will take your number and report you to the police. When it’s cold and raining its bad enough having to deal with the mindless dimwits walking around me with out some bloated t**t in a 4X4 getting in my way. Wile I’m on the subject of rain, just a few things to say to all you people who use umbrellas. If one more of you freaks attack me with them spikes I will shove it up your arse. Take it from me having an umbrella opened up your arse is not half as painful as having a spike shoved in your eye but I still don’t recommend it. So if you’re stopped in your open top car on a crossing with an open umbrella,
1, You are WELL odd.
2, You better hope I ain’t crossing the road.
You have been told.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we, as padestrians should reclaim the road, how come we get to walk in dog poo and litter whilst these mobile cretins get the roads!