Wednesday, April 19, 2006

British Telecommunications

I’ve been off line at home now for over a month. This all started with NTL’s web page telling porky pies about where they can install broadband. I moved using the info from there site as a guide so I could move my account and not spend too much time without a connection. Once I moved, I phoned them and they told me they were unable to install Broadband in my area. In one way this was good as I didn’t have to be put through to the irritating git that try’s to stop you leaving NTL. This left me needing a BT line as they have the monopoly on the phone lines in my area. No BT line, no Broadband. It is going to cost me about £100 to have a line put in. It would be cheaper for me to move to an area where they have NTL. It has taken long enough to find this place so moving is not an option. You should see some of the dumps scum lords are passing off as accommodation. One place still had glass on the floor from the last break in. I digress. So NTL are down the road. It was at this point that I was told about a web site called Sam knows this is a broadband resource site and can tell you loads of neat stuff about broadband availability. This is where I found out about Home choice. Same price as NTL but I get 35 channels of TV. This will prolly work out at 10 watchable channels and 25 of crap. When I spoke to Home choice I spoke to a human who was normal and was not reading from a script. Top marks to Home choice so far. They set up an appointment for me with BT on the 7th of April. I sat in the kitchen with a coffee and eating marmite and cheese on toast and messing with my laptop. They did not turn up. They claim that they called at the door and phoned my mobile which is bull. The only time I left the kitchen was to take a dump and the bog is closer to the door than the kitchen. So unless the door was knocked as mud hit water, the guy never turned up. They claimed when I phoned that they knocked my door at ten, phoned my mobile and put a card through my door. This is all rubbish. Not turning up is a pain but you expect crap like that from the likes of them. When they start making stuff up it really boils my spuds. BT YOU SUCK !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used to have NTL at work, mainly cos there main office was on the estate I work on, then they dissapeard and so did the support, after crashing global opperations for smiths we dropped them, Not Those Lunatics, I think they should be named, but as an aspiring urban graffiti artis they do provide plenty of canvas!