Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I found this on the floor on Cheapside. There is no zoo in the area apart from the one walking over it. Never got round to taking one without the wet footprints. Such is life.

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Only Way Is Up

Well since Christmas everything has been a kick in the balls. I had tooth ache over crimbo which stopped me eating chocolate (not!) Not long after I got a tooth abscess. They had me on two kinds of antipathetics and no booze for ten Days. Then not long after that I crushed my thumb in work and now I have half my thumbnail hanging off. The nut that lives upstairs from me has been getting worse by the day. I have now come to the point where I am moving out. I have moved out. I am saving money and its closer to work. All I gotta do is move the rest of my stuff and then I’m going to kick his F*****G head in.

White Van Man

I saw this on the back of a van on the way to town in Newport. I never set this up. Any of my friends will tell you my writing is not that good.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Company Balls

Don't you just love the crap companys come up with. Not quite worked out number seven yet. I quite enjoyed adding the letter E to the second win on number 4

No Stickers

Found this on the wall of a bog in a pub in London. Not the best photo in the world but the ice in my lemonade made me shiver.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


OK, Stuff your train. If you aint putting doors on, I aint using it.

Harry Potter And The Crack Whore

I found the sign but not the steam train to get me out of the crack whore infested dump that is Kings cross. Why Kings cross? Everytime I've been there (never by choice) It's full of Prostitutes, smack heads, crack heads and tramps. It’s not really fair to talk about them like that. The station staff do after all try there best.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Freaky Tree

If you look at this tree stump long enough, its got a face.

Misty Day

I took loads of really bad shots this day but it was worth it for the good shots. I may show you them sometime. You can put up with this crap for now. Not sure where this is. My friend Anna may know. Anna?

How Small Do We Need Stuff ?

My mate sent me this photo. How bloody small do we need things. Nobody can afford a house so we are filling our lives with ever shrinking crap with ever increasing prices. Apple rent you an Ipod battery for a year hopping you will throw it away and buy another Ipod. If you want to know how to change an I pod battery just let me know. Buy a battery on line for £25 and it will come with some little tools and a CD telling you how to change it. If they could get away with it, company's would install a device that exploded the second the guarantee runs out rendering the item useless. We need to get a grip on these planks, coz in years to come we are going to be paying top dollar for a tiny bit of plastic crap we can hardly see that is going to explode in a week.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I found this on the way home from work in London bridge. Looks like a Banksy to me. Anybody?

Fun Things To Do In London

If you like me get the hump with people opening the pockets of your rucksack to nick things as you walk down the street. Why not try what I do. If you have pockets that open down the side, take about two handfuls (depending on the size of your pocket) of plastic or metal ball bearings ( metal bounce better) and stick them in the pocket and zip it up. All you have to do then is wait. The only down side is that you don't get to see the look on there face when the ball bearings pour out and bounce all over the place.

New Start (welcome)

It was starting to get a real pain in the arse updating the comments on my web site all the time and that was from just one person. (you know who you are) So I have taken my own advice and I am going to continue my blog here. For a start I get more room here and also the comments are updated all automatic like. Also we may get comments from people we don't know. So to all the people who don't know me, hello, thanks and don't forget to wipe your feet. I hope you enjoy reading the insane ramblings of a Welsh Bloke.