Monday, August 21, 2006

The Missing Link

I have just got my mobile back from The Link where I had left it two weeks ago as It would not charge. I have had Insurance with them for over a year as I was convinced that something is bound to happen to it in eighteen months. This amounts to About £120. It seems that in the two weeks they have had my phone they have put in a second hand battery and scratched the phone in three different places. At the time of writing this (16:45) it has been on charge three hours and twentyminutess and still does not seem to be charging. If it does not charge you can be damn sure I will give FULL details of this company. I'll update you tomorroww.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Yes I know.

Cardiff University researchers have found a dangerous flaw in HSBC's online banking system (its called being on line). The Guardian says a security loophole could be exploited to break into any of the bank's 3.1 million UK online accounts within nine attempts. It relies on "key loggers" gadgets or software viruses that capture the keystrokes made on a particular computer which can enable a hacker to work out the information needed to successfully log onto an account within a few attempts. This just reinforces my opinion that there is no such thing as a secure connection. Banks seam to be saving money at our expense by closing local branches and expecting us to bank on line. To me banking on line amounts to walking down the road with your months wages held out in front of you. As soon as I received my on line banking details I destroyed them with out even looking at them and then sent my bank a letter thanking them for further compromising the security of my account. If I require a service from a company I am quite capable of asking for it. I do not want it shoved down my throat. The only other company that is stupid enough to do this is Arkwright on Open All Hours with his ginger cake.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Rant And Rave.
Freedom of speech is truly dead.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Too Soft.

I have for sometime made fun of the politically correct crowed for being a bunch of paranoid, interfering idiots whose motives are purely financial. Now I was tempted to leave that entry there just as it was but the longer I live in London the more I realise that some people really are this stupid and do need to be wrapped in cotton wool. These people are usually in well paid jobs and look very smart. Having said this I must point out I have for sometime now known that there are many different forms of intelligence. For example, I know people who hold very important and well paid jobs who hold many people’s lives in there hands but god love um they couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a banjo so you can forget changing a fuse. They have no social skills and no practical skills. All they know is there job. I also know people who can’t read and write who can build you a 4 bedroom house with double garage without looking at a set of plans once. Knowledge does not equal wisdom. Anyway these people need saving from themselves. This brings me to my new campaign. The politically correct crowed have the right idea they’re just nit picking and being too soft. We need to group together and get hardcore on these reckless fools. For a start a few things need to be banned as they are far too dangerous. Here are a few of the first things to go.

4X4 vehicles, the front grills are too high and can cause a lot of damage to a person in a normal car, in fact any large car will have to go as well. Normal cars will go at a later date.

Sports like golf, cricket, tennis, polo and croquet. Far too dangerous. All them balls flying around and shooting you can forget straight away.

Large gatherings like race meetings, operas and garden party’s got to go as too many people in one place is asking for trouble.

Champagne? Not a chance. That cork could have somebody’s eye out.

All horses will be gathered and sent to another country and set free. One kick from one of them and you’ve had your lot.

First and business class travel will have to go as standard class is overcrowded and an accident waiting to happen.

So there we go just a few ideas to set us off. What I need now is a name with the first letters spelling something like scope or mind. If anybody has any ideas or you have noticed anything I have missed, just let me know.