Saturday, March 08, 2008

Dull day for a blog

Not much in the news today. The farmer from Derbyshire who has got four transport for London parking tickets for his tractor that had not been 6 miles from his farm gave me a bit of a giggle. A pubs boss hit out at the binge culture in Britain and blamed heavy-drinking. No poop Poirot. Apart from that it’s the same old same old. Bit of a let down really. Where are all the morons today? Never mind, Iggy Pop is on TV tonight. That will cheer me up.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Hello Again

I've decided to jump start the old blog. It needed a bit of a tweak here and there but I think I got it firing on all cylinders now. I had a bit of a redecorate as well as the colour writing on a black background was freaking my eyes out. Every time I was done reading something it left screen burn on my eyes. All I need now is something to write about so I'm going to read the news. I can generally find something to moan about in the news.

Contracting 2

OK I admit it Contracting is crap. Well, it is for me. I now have to suffer a continues stream of idiots phoning me up scabbing money for training I don't want and even bigger idiots asking me if I want to clean toilets for tuppence a week. I have no idea what these people do for a cut of my wages, but I look for the jobs, I set up interviews and I do the work. I think I'm doing something wrong.