Saturday, December 15, 2007


Contracting is great. I don't advise anybody do it as that would leave less work for me. The downside is that it leaves even less time for me to do my blog. The upside is that when moron managers act like complete idiots and get on my wick, I just leave. I will say this to all mangers, people only pretend to like you so you don't pick on them. They all talk about you behind your back. This has been the case on every site I have ever worked on. Enjoy work tomorrow. Nobody who works for you does.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm Alive

I'm still here. I have now quit my crap job and work for myself. This means I can sit at home on my lazy arse when I want. This also means I get payed twice as much for doing half the amount of work. Before you ask no I haven't got that tenner I owe you.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Still Here

I'm still about. Just busy. Trains are still really getting up my nose. I must really make more time. If anybody has the recipe I would love a copy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Blog

I've neglected my blog for a wile and I really should make more of an effort. Lots of things have happened to moan about but it was bad enough having them happen without having to write about them as well. Hoards of computer problems, scratched cameras, work sucks and everything I buy is broke and I have to take it back. I've stopped doing the lottery, I spend the money on ice cream instead.