Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm Back

I have let the blog slip for a wile but I am going to try and pull my finger out and do a days. Something that has been getting on my wick lately is that everything I buy is broke and I have to take it back. I bought a USB dongle from Maplins that I had to get my money back on as they had no more, then bought a USB 2 PCMCIA card for my laptop that don't recognize USB2, then Jessops kept me waiting 17 minutes then sold me a camera with a big scratch on the screen and last but I bet it wont be, I upgraded my phone and two days later the keys stopped working. Even when I complain about this stuff I get an impersonal rubber stamp letter apologizing for the inconvenience blar, blar, blar which just makes me want to puke blood. Whatever happened to the customer is always right? I know the customer is not always right but I am. It seems now we are just a means to obtain the target figure for the month. I find more and more that I'm getting treated like my money belongs to them and I'm just looking after it till I spend it. So it looks like open season on shops. Any chance I get to have a go at shops, I will.